
Towards A New Architectruth.
Since 2009 June 4th.

New World Trade Center Tower(作者:建筑代理人)

Author: 建筑代理人

With the collapse of the World Trade Center Tower, a new question soon arises: what kind of architecture is to replace it? Or, what kind of language, symbol, or vision could refresh the original design as part of the skyline of Manhattan. The re-establish of “World Trade Center Tower”, if we recoil to the most fundamental perspective, certainly brings two ultimate questions: how to define “world trade” for nowadays, as opposed to 1960s when Minoru Yamasaki designed the twin towers; and how to define “architecture” in the sense of modernism, if it ever exists.

A significant characteristic of productivity half century ago is the capacity of mass production enabled by assembly line. Modularised components allow one production to be produced separately around the world, as the design, fabrication, assembly and sell do not  have to be conducted at one single place, meanwhile the quality is industrially ensured. Decentralized production, however, inevitably leads capitalism to be more centralized, but with more mobility and divergence. Repetition, order, series, etc. are inseparable in the philosophy of Ford-ism, which exist architecturally as grid, bulk and solidity. The World Trade Center Tower’s iconic structure fully celebrated the language, and stands as an epoch of both industrialization and modernism.

High standardization, after reaching its climax with much complexity, potentially evolves towards seemingly two distinguishing directions: a higher level of standardization, or dis-standardization. The assumption is based on the human nature that spiritual demand increases after the satisfaction of physical needs which are greatly met by the growth of economy for the past century. And the past decades did wittiness a mounting trend of request for more personalized custom-making, explosion of mediums for self-expression and more pure impulse of just being individuals. However, with the movement of modernism, beauty of abstract forms are not only being appreciated by avant-garde, but also embraced by the public. The language also suggests fast, easy and durable production, or even a life style. Steve Jobs helped the public to visualize their need and taste more clearly by promote a series Apple production. But the function is never simplified, take iPhone as an example again, as 170,000 apps allows customers to maxiumize what a cellphone can do for its user.

The new World Trade Center Tower 4, designed by Fumihiko Maki and Maki and Associates, was said by the designer that it could have been in a more pure and simply form. The claim could be understood from taking a look at the tower 1. Same up and down floor organization, same central core structure, but uniqueness lies on the material of its facade–the glass. The celebration of architonic seems to be more subtle now. So let me take a harsh generalization: modern industrialism has been relatively more about celebrating or even showing off its functionality, in a way of accepting the amazing structure and material tectonics as a common aspect.